Who We Are
MBC is an evangelical, a multi-ethnic, non-denominational, Bible-teaching church in Miami, striving to live out the Biblical command to love God, each other and our neighbors well. This means worshiping and following our Savior Jesus Christ not only through our words, but also through the lives we lead.
Our Teaching Style
Miami Bible Church is a church, firmly committed to unleashing the life-transforming power of God's Word through verse-by-verse exposition of the sacred text so that the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is spread to all people as "The King of Glory!"
The Bible
There is no substitute for the Bible because this is the only place where we meet God to speak to us. While the current trend of evangelical churches is toward man-centered gimmicky slogans programs, dramatizations, and showmanship, none of these is able to penetrate the inner recesses of the person's soul, to meet a person's spiritual needs, and to change a single life. No man-made artifice can be described as Scripture describes itself: "living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword."
Only the Bible - the Word of God - is perfect and pure, with the ability to make wise the simple, rejoice the heart, enlighten the eyes, rejuvenate the weary spirit, and bring the troubled soul to have peace with God.